MPDU - Mira Public or Private Dome Unit
- Details
- Category: Uncategorised
- Created: 08 December 2016
- Hits: 29085
This dome to be built in our dreamland for now, our future desired reasearch center will be also= set to demonstrate our Automation but not only. It will embed much innovative technologies, Water collection & purification. Solar Hot water, Microbial Fuel Cell Sewer, Solar Photo-voltaic connected to a Wall-battery a poor one with poor materials, empty BUS or Truck 100AH batteries, but special, green (and poor) electrolyte lasting 7 years, inexpensive to build at any scale, in order to help the manufacturing of Private or Public living places reduced to the essential, this doesn't represent nothing in wasting and with all the latest poor technologies (poor in term of costs and not innovation) involved. Ready for all.
This dome with 500m2 plant + porches + stairs in 3 elevations + mezzanine elevations, will be used for a coowork the half, and at half our operations offices, apartments, at the top a round 400m2 Conference room with full view of the Dome, maybe a simulated planetary & Dome-Sphere curved projections. It will be auto-sufficient in Networking with Satellite communication, Water Collectors and purifiers, Food(Rigel-ABC acquaponic, aeroponic, automated and idroponic systems) and energy production This experimental dome that will be the demonstration for many of our projects in One, will be released in its full Free Specifications and Documentation.
The budget is set at 500.000 Eur with no extra. If we will spend double, that mean the analysis part failed. And whole project failed, but we will not burn it :D ths means have an extra 30% as backpack for surprise -- so point to lower budget in the whole design
Smaller units are planned after this if the goal is reached, smaller units of 250m2, 125m2.
I would like that this project, hard to complete & prototype in pieces be part of our specs for Smart Cities, or additional (missing) specs for smart city, since there is no reason to odd-design something is already good, useful and Free. So our whole project may seem jumping from one field to another, this because we focus on completion only of what is missing This Dome unit is a Sub Project of Mira Spiralcity, witch is a sub project of Sagittarius A*.
Why so crazy to build a dome to demonstrate some technologies? We keep as example Donald Knut, TeX, that he developed to write his book the Art of Computer Programming. Then we like Interdisciplinary challenges as well as unlock what is common to be un-possible to possible and make it Free Specs.
The planned Design time is 4 years from financing received. Anyone can participate to the concepts and the design, that will be fixed before the manufacturing oprations. The building time should be 6 month You can subscribe to the list for the Dome MPDU-500 >> here <<< Thank you to who will participate in this challenge, or anyone who will visit it in future.
We would like this Curiosity happen. The cost (and replicability everywhere) is the requirement N.1 |
Video Library | ||
Polystirene Dome - 1 , 2 , 3 | Air Crete 1, 2, 3, 4 | Monolitic Dome House 1, 2, ,3 ,4, 5 |
Flexible Solar Panels | Rain Water Collection/Filtering system | MicroBial-FuelCell-Sewer |
WALL (or Floor) Battery | Solar Hot Water | PV Implant |