- Details
- Category: Simplemachines
- Created: 15 July 2014
- Hits: 16399
/), (( -.((_)) _,) ,\`.' -',' `.> (,- ,', `._,) (( ) (`--' `'( ) _--_,-.\ /,' \( ) `' (( `
\~~~/ \~~~/ \~~~/ \~~~/ \~~~/ (_) \~~~/ \~~~/ \~~~/ \~~~/ (_) (_) (_) (_)_____(_)_____(_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) \======(_)======/ (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_)_____________(_)_____________(_) (_) (_) (_) (_) \==============(_)==============/ (_) (_) (_) (_)_____________________(_)_____________________(_) (_) (_) \======================(_)======================/ (_) (_)_____________________________(_)_____________________________(_) \==============================(_)==============================/ __(_)__ __(=======)__ (=============) Nwiw is a Virtual City meta-project,
with several stand-alone or connected sub-projects,
please make your selection in the NWIW submenu
or just click one of the following links:
| SunGPL License and Coin | Sophia Public Cloud | Circle OS |
Nwiw the shadow City | ATAI (Assistant Thanatological AI) |
Circle OS: Sub-Projects
| The Dual Nyx -- Git-Like VCS for SunGPL & Linux Kernel Fork |
| ZeroSphere Hyperspherical Engine / HALF - Hyperdimensional Adaptive Lisp Float |
>> Last content update 24 August 2024 <<
Pls note: we are in project analysis phase ,this will last very longher,
if technology, the initial design itself is not mature to start the development.
This dosent mean you can't actively participate in the analysis or discussion
even submitting your technology example or code example
or any kind of estempora or concept.
If you would like to join the development
please submit a request This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please subscribe our all@ list to give your contribution >> here <<
(The list is almost desert and we are a few in the center of the ocean, so be patient to see something)