SunCoin / GPLx
Sun GPL - SGPL The License and the Crypto Coin
- Details
- Category: Projects
- Created: 17 July 2014
- Hits: 34294
The SunGPL is not just another cryptocoin. -- SunGPL unit, will be equal to the absorbed energy of a typical flower that convert sun radiation to life during a day -- [10]
So what's this crypto coin? Is a research activity in the years that will come to investigate the sociological impact of a crypto coin and a software/hardware license (SunGPL)
SunGPL is a name that identify both, when we refer to license we append"License", when we refer to the currency we append "coin" |
1) Bringing peace to the world of software involves providing a solution to the current conflicts. One way to achieve this is by facilitating a smooth transition for current proprietary software to become Free Software, ensuring effectiveness in solving existing problems. stated in the Bill Gates letter to hobbist in each of its points that remains unanswered from 1976. Therefore, a new Software Hardware License, the SGPL, will provide revenue for programmers and ensure a return on investment for entrepreneurs and designers who consider it their primary work activity. This license aims to incorporate volunteer contributions to software/hardware projects/products while maintaining anonymity in code submission, ensuring payment for anonymous contributors, and allowing for non-payment of volunteers, whether anonymous or not. Additionally, the SGPL will support software projects by facilitating collaboration between paid programmers and volunteers through a decentralized system of auto-generated payments based on Grid usage. It is worth noting that this approach is currently feasible, as demonstrated by the GridCoin project, and we anticipate further advancements in this area with additional features and extensive testing over the years to ensure its success. The assignment of payments will be managed as a duty, responsibility, and obligation of the project owner.
Protect software users from abuse and malicious software, ensuring their rights are safeguarded. Provide workers and companies with what is rightfully theirs upon request.
Implement a system for distributing payments for hardware similar to software. Allocate 50% of revenue generated from Grid contributions directly to users in an indirect form, spendable after five years of grid work on new hardware within the SGPL domain. Allocate 40% (10% for Free Hardware Designers and 30% for Free Software Programmers) to contributors of ongoing hardware/software projects connected to the Grid, with payments submitted weekly based on usage or a more advanced scheme. Include hardware contributions in the BIOS (Free BIOS) and list hardware contributions in applications to be paid for with Gridwork. Ensure the OS component responsible for software payments is secure and not susceptible to manipulation, requiring ongoing research to refine. Allocate the remaining 10% for fundraising projects (after a year of Grid work) for both software and hardware. Implement a democratic and delegative voting system to highlight the best projects and remove those deemed inappropriate, such as non-educational or violent games, with decisions made by Nwiw citizens responsible for advancing the SGPL ecosystem. Maintain a balance between art, science, and religion within Nwiw, with a mixed delegation overseeing these aspects. Focus on progress and foundational design for the SGPL ecosystem, prioritizing ethical considerations over commercial interests.
For example, at Level 0, a 1% fee is applied, while at Level 2, a 1.5% fee is charged for tracking the consignment of a parcel. Level 3, which covers insurance for lost deliveries, incurs a 3% fee. Higher levels offer additional options such as guarantees or replacements for damaged goods, with transaction fees increasing accordingly. At the highest level, transaction fees can reach up to 7% for full risk coverage. Users can opt for a reduced fee of 1.5% by accepting the possibility of fines in their wallets based on their behavior. The penalty percentage can vary, with higher penalties for severe anti-social conduct. In a closed system like Nwiw, a unique verdict from Nwiw citizens and a new form of jurisdiction over SGPL wallets will be established. Users can submit opposition requests up to three times, and funds may be temporarily frozen for further investigation, with judges paid based on the disputed amount. Merchants facing an 8% cost for full-risk sales to users can opt for a lower fee by demonstrating good conduct. This system encourages honesty and responsible behavior, with contracts being irrevocable within the SGPL system. This approach benefits users with discounts and provides merchants with competitive operational fees. It is essential to prioritize reversibility and effective management within the system, with only Nwiw citizens having the authority to make decisions. This decentralized approach ensures accountability and fairness, with mechanisms in place to address any abuses of power or competence. We aim to develop a system that promotes progress, democracy, and healthy human relations without resembling a jail or a surveillance mechanism. Our goal is to foster a fair and democratic environment, ensuring accountability through judgments and fines to maintain order and civility in society. This process will require careful consideration over the years to select the most beneficial and least damaging options for users, sellers, the community, society, and the elected maintainers of Nwiw. Special fees may be applied in unique cases, such as the transfer of SGPL between holding or international corporations, with rates determined on a case-by-case basis to ensure fair market practices and security. For significant transactions, customized fees will be established to prevent exorbitant charges that could hinder operations. Imagine a scenario where a holding company needs to make a substantial payment to a platform like PayPal; custom fees will prevent unreasonable costs. Grants may be provided, and options for reduced fees or exemptions can be offered to encourage ethical conduct within the holding company. To facilitate secure transactions, we will create simple and affordable hardware wallets (e.g., priced at $1) for payments of goods and services, with the capability to automate VAT payments directly to governments, bypassing intermediaries and ensuring transparency in financial transactions. Additionally, we propose fighting poverty by introducing a minimum survival salary for individuals using SGPL, funded through transaction fees. While the implementation may initially be inconsistent, widespread adoption will lead to a more stable and impactful system, potentially benefiting a significant portion of the global population.
Test Platforms
This project also integrate with the virtual city project , a city for ATAI (Assistant Tanatological AI) and humans, city rendered on the SGPL grid, ATAI working in the SGPL portable devices equipped with AI chips.
What is not Sun Coin and the SGPL
Is not a container or a mirage of change to lock and control its users. The proposals are functional and not hidden, shown in this 10 points like the fingers of two open hands.
Early Feasibility study
Analysis of Proof of Stake Systems
Analysis of projects like GridCoin
Liquid Feedback - Decision Making SW
[1] The GridCoin - * Nothing is fixed until we go to development stage.
[2] in case of partially or total re-use of code licensed with the Sun Coin and the SGPL, the obligation to give to the authors the right payments, allowing at least a workable margin for new branding, forks, modifications of code or new direction of one software project. Give instruments to assign resources with Liquid Feedback system when there is not a Company that govern this project.
[3] Mobile devices should be used from grid during the socket charging or night time (not operative time)
[4] In case Hardware have many designers (for each component or more than one for a component) let assign payment with micro capillarity, including contribution or improvements to VHDL code both from external or internal sources in case of promisquity, and collaborative designs.
[5] Modified Version of Free BIOS like Libreboot or coreboot can store a list of the hardware components set for a machine (at least its Free Hardware Components), with capillarity of informations on the parts, of who (in paid form) contributed the development of the Free Hardware parts, with his coin address and the percentage of contribution assigned in order to calculate payments to forward for each component and for the machine globally. On Operating System side or applications side, let deliver applications or software components (released with the Sun Coin and the SGPL) with a list of percentages of paid contributions (as specified for the hardware). Let a daemon on the system forward the payments on a daily or weekly basis during not use time, not operative time or more convenient time. The remaining 50% of the grid-work revenue is collected each day for the user running the Hardware/Software system and collected in locked status in a sub-wallet until the amount get mature in 2-3-4 years (the time frame for hardware obsolescence) for the purchase of new hardware.
No payments in generally spendable way are done to the users. Firstly one user may prefer the Sun Coin and the SGPL Hardware/Software for its Social means and importance to create a global distribuited super-computer obtained with the unused CPU/GPU cycles. For second instance to assure to him a new generation of Hardware after the times mature or the old hardware become obsolete. Who obtain energy from the Sun for example have no cost, or marginal costs in electricity. The Sun Coin and the SGPL embeds a new way of thinking a PC or a Personal Mobile device, as a Personal-Public resource, public when not used. PGC (personal-grid-computer). Corporations that obtain energy from the sun or the wind or other low cost way, may think to Sun Coin and the SGPL revenue as an economic way to have replaced their huge installed machines park with no cost or marginal costs.
-- EDIT: The SGPL Revenue for both Software/Hardware developers and Users (paid in new hardware), are paid in electricity cost from end-users. New breaktrough from ARM and NVIDIA have have shown i7 performance class CPU with medium/high class GPU that have the power consumption similar to LED bulbs (10W). So our initial evaulation of costs to run The Sun Coin and the SGPL SW or HW in Grid 24/7 or in charge time/off time is totally to be reviewed. Thank you NVIDIA. --
For all the rest of the users with no access to cheap renewable energy, is a way to ensure a saving chained to constant work of a PGC to be spent on something really of maximum importance that help their personal development, their communication power, their freedom and their life.
So users may have a general wallet with a locked saving sub-wallet connected to one or more PGC for hardware purchase.
[6] as well as a lake, if only this water remain on the earth.
[7] Migrate in a - zero balance - those penalty as an incentivation to persons, groups or legal entities that promote society progress. Penalty will be applied to those that work against society progress or simply hurt other peoples in a legal or not legal way. It is in evaluation if this entity or a sub entity of this can act in controversy as peacemaker of disputed payments (as paypal do) earning a percentage of the disputed transaction if this consume time of the preposed operator. The same earnings in smaller percentages to remove and assign penalites/incentivations to strengt justice and helping or incentivate a re-equilibration process. To create a self sustaining system that affects and grants SunCoin users.
[8] due to development areas, we can not request high bandwidth to run the pre-calculated Virtual worlds, so we urge to set most of the job done on the grid and with downloadable (or physical media shareable) elements (dynamic global illumination worlds, meeting places, avatars, moving objects, avatars voice models, objects specifications, AI models), pushing at maximum clients for real time job (clients with low bandwith usage, that only need to transfer vectors, voice and little more). Give access to powerful computational resources on the grid to citizens that need to render with global illumination collaborative meeting places or virtual cities.
[9] Use a liquid feedback votation system to assign the resources for both Scientific computation Grid (prefer CPU time) and Virtual Worlds grid (assign GPU time).
[10] In History Currencies was created to Store a Value, Value represented in Gold, or more recently in history fossil fuel. After the economy becomed crazy this bond was cutted and peoples was hardly pressed in a strange game of false debt never synced between banks and corporations resulting in an economy (peoples) massacre.
It is not feasible today to store renewable energy or permit the exchange of this energy as a currency or things like coins, but battery research is very promising, we can hope that in future we can exchange energy,
sun, wind, sea waves or geotermal energy. Real energy instead of currency. Of course all this energy come from the Sun, no other sources. So this bond to a flower daily captured energy is not very functional now, mostly an example. But it can be functional in future after the research in naotechnology will led to a way to store renewable energy in matter in a way it will be archived persistently, ready to be exchanged or used in the grid. Maybe we should think more on this latest note.
Last update (after 10 years)in this column :13 / july / 2024
Background and Motivation
The World of Software
Expanding to Free/Libre Hardware
SunGPL is motivated by the vision of a global, equitable technological landscape where innovations in software and hardware are accessible to all. To achieve this, SunGPL integrates a novel economic model with its licensing framework, ensuring that contributors receive fair compensation. By leveraging a cryptocurrency mechanism, SunGPL generates value through the participation of its users, transforming idle computational resources into productive assets within a distributed computing network and Public Cloud called Sophia. Sustainable and Consistent Funding Model A key motivation behind SunGPL is to establish a funding model that aligns with the principles of free software while ensuring financial sustainability. The SunGPL cryptocurrency is generated when hardware adhering to the SunGPL license connects to the Sophia network. This model not only incentivizes the use of energy-efficient and robust hardware but also ensures that revenue is distributed equitably among software developers and hardware designers based on usage statistics and contribution metrics. This decentralized approach mitigates the reliance on traditional funding sources, fostering a self-sustaining ecosystem.
Global Adoption and Impact
License and Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency: Beyond Bitcoin Environmental Impact and Renewable Energy IntegrationThe SunGPL ecosystem is built with a strong commitment to environmental sustainability. By integrating renewable energy sources and promoting efficient resource usage, SunGPL aims to minimize its ecological footprint while providing robust computational and storage capabilities through its decentralized network Sophia. Decentralized Energy and Computation NetworkSophia, the backbone of SunGPL's distributed computing infrastructure, is designed to be entirely decentralized. This ensures that both large-scale and small-scale participants can contribute to the network. Investors in extensive energy and computation sites are crucial, but the system equally values smaller contributors. Much like today’s mining farms, which range from vast operations with millions of GPUs to smaller setups with just a few hundred, Sophia allows for a diverse array of nodes to flourish. Large-Scale Renewable Energy SitesLarge-scale renewable energy sites, funded by significant investments, play a vital role in the Sophia network. These sites, equipped with solar panels, wind turbines, and other renewable technologies, serve as major hubs of both energy production and computational power. They are designed to operate efficiently, contributing substantial resources to the network while maintaining a minimal environmental footprint. By generating renewable energy and performing high-level computations, these large-scale nodes ensure that Sophia remains powerful and sustainable. Small-Scale and Personal NodesOne of the unique features of Sophia is its ability to integrate small-scale and personal nodes into the network. Individuals and families can invest in solar roofs and small server structures within their homes, transforming their personal spaces into nodes of the Sophia network. These nodes can provide connectivity, energy production, computation, and storage at a local level. This decentralized approach democratizes participation, allowing anyone to contribute to and benefit from the SunGPL ecosystem. Energy Efficiency and SustainabilitySunGPL places a strong emphasis on energy efficiency and sustainability. All participating hardware must be designed to consume minimal energy while maximizing output. This ensures that the overall environmental impact of the network is reduced. By focusing on renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, Sophia helps to create a cleaner, more sustainable energy grid. Solar Servers and Renewable IntegrationThe concept of "solar servers" is central to Sophia's integration of renewable energy. These servers are designed to be first and foremost energy producers, utilizing solar panels to generate power. They then use this energy to perform computations, ensuring that no energy is wasted. This dual-purpose design can be applied to various renewable technologies admitted by Nwiw, making the infrastructure versatile and environmentally friendly. The integration of renewable energy sources not only supports the sustainability goals of SunGPL but also makes economic sense, as it reduces reliance on non-renewable energy and lowers operational costs. The evolution of today's microinverters, one for each 450W panel or two panels, could be extended to a Low power computational node called a Solar Server integrating with the connected panels. This advancement could pave the way for further innovations, such as directly integrating energy generation and computational capabilities into the solar cells themselves. Encouraging Innovation and InvestmentSunGPL actively encourages innovation and investment in renewable energy and efficient computing. By providing a return on investment (ROI) for those who fund renewable energy projects and computational infrastructure, SunGPL incentivizes the continuous improvement and expansion of its Sophia Energy/Computational Cloud. This creates a positive feedback loop where financial gains are reinvested into further technological advancements and sustainability efforts.
Government Integration and VAT Resolution A SunGPL hardware device generates money when connected to grids like Sophia. Half of this money is distributed to software authors and hardware designers, while the other half is retained by end users in their SunGPL wallet. The funds are locked for 5 years for registered machines and can be used to purchase SunGPL hardware from approved vendors. This innovative system introduces the concept of "Hardware Free as in Beer," providing sustainable and consistent access to cutting-edge technology without becoming obsolete, with users making only the initial investment. This model particularly benefits underserved populations by enabling them to invest in devices like phones, tablets, laptops, VR headsets, and desktops that are continuously connected to Sophia, generating revenue even while charging or idle. The system encourages the development of efficient, low-power consumption machines that operate 24/7 and generate more revenue with increased usage. After 5 years, the accumulated funds may be sufficient to upgrade to a new system. A portion of the money generated by devices connected to the Sophia grid is allocated to the software they run. The Circle OS assesses software performance and distributes funds to developers based on their contributions, down to individual lines of code, ensuring fair and consistent compensation over time.
Guardians of the Ecosystem: Nwiw Citizens
Incentivizing Productive Contributions
Simplified and Efficient Transactions SunGPL's ecosystem offers a UBI funded by transaction fees to provide financial support to all wallet holders. These fees, ranging from 3% to 14%, not only sustain daily operations but also drive ecosystem growth and innovation. Nwiw, a decentralized governing body, manages UBI funds and fee allocation transparently through a liquid democracy model, promoting trust and accountability. By prioritizing UBI, fee structure, and governance, SunGPL aims to create a fair, sustainable, and inclusive tech ecosystem. 10% of UBI funds will be retained by Nwiw City to enhance services and engage a wider community in SunGPL's evolution, ensuring sustainability and inclusivity in ecosystem development. While maintaining anonymity in purchases if desired, wallets are not anonymous, one for every world citizen, with the identification system based on the fingerprint or heartbeat pattern over time, provided by future low-cost smartwatches. Wallets for groups or companies in SunGPL will be possible with their local government identification; however, UBI is only for individuals and world citizens. Even though the amount may be variable and modest initially, it is estimated that 7% of fees from all global transactions could constitute a decent basic salary worldwide. The impact of this system is significant, particularly for the half of the world's population living on less than one hundred dollars per month.
Environmental Sustainability
Role of Nwiw Citizens
Continuing the Legacy of Richard Stallman
Positive Implications for Society --- ADDENDUM ---
Nyx, the the Git fork: |