Architecture of virtual spaces and learning

Architecture and virtual spaces

A number of scholars have based their research on the interaction between virtual space and learning on the assumption that architecture is a social object. In this view, architectural design, as a phenomenon that structures the pattern of co–presence between people and creates potential for social interaction, has a direct impact on learning (Schnädelbach, et al., 2003, 2007; Minocha and Reeves, 2010; De Lucia, et al., 2008; Bouras, et al., 2005).


Architecture and virtual space
  • The architecture of virtual space is a social object and as such affects learning.
  • Virtual space designed for a specific activity may have positive effects on learning if it is compatible with the educational activity that takes place in that space.
  • Virtual space architecture plays an important role in supporting the emergence of a “sense of place” among students, which is beneficual for learning.
  • The experience of virtual space — in terms of beauty, satisfaction and interestingness — is connected to the spatial properties and architectural elements of the space.
Schnädelbach, et al., 2007; Schnädelbach, et al., 2003; Minocha and Reeves, 2010; De Lucia, et al., 2008; Bouras, et al., 2005; Praslova–Førland, 2004; Praslova–Førland, et al., 2006; Bronack, et al., 2008; Semken and Freeman, 2008; Harrison and Dourish, 1996; Clark and Maher, 2001; Stevenson, 2008; Riva, et al., 2007; Franz, et al., 2005


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Last modified on Monday, 14 July 2014 21:03
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