The Flash Project Documentation

Table of Contents
The Introduction of The Flash Project
How to Use the Download Tool
How to Add a New Flash Driver to the Download Tool
How to Add the Flash Driver for Eboot
How to Add the Flash Driver for WinCE5.0

The Introduction of The Flash Project

The purpose of the flash project

The flash project aimed to support more flash types for the download tool, WinCE, and Linux on EDB93xx platforms. The flash support for Linux has been integrated into Cirrus' Linux versions later than July 1st 2006.

The directory architecture of the Flash project

The whole project includes 3 directories.

The /download directory includes the source code and the binary code for the UART download tool.

The /eboot directory includes the source code for the WinCE boot loader, Eboot.

The /wince5.0 directory includes the flash file system source code for WinCE 5.0.

The directories, /download, is included in the Linux package for distribution. The directories, /download and /eboot and /wince5.0, is included in the Windows package for distribution.