EP9307 System-on-a-chip (CPU)
74HC14 - Hex inverter driving red LED
MIC2774N Power-on reset
Add-On Bus connector
Multi-ICE header (JTAG)
LM1117DT - 1.8v Regulator
JP2 - Boot mode selection "BOOT1" (normal = 2-3)
JP1 - Boot mode selection "BOOT0" (normal = 2-3)
JP6 - Boot width ASDOUT (normal = 1-2)
14.7456 MHz Crystal (for CPU)
MCL7805A - Audio Power Supply Regulator
Characters LCD display
JP5 - Boot width /CS7 (normal = closed)
Arrow keys and Enter button
Output for CCFL and power supply
K4S561632E- TC/L75 - SDRAM (high 16 bits)
SP/DIF audio output (not mounted)
Headphone output
Microphone input
VITEC Digital audio transfomer (not mounted)
24.576 MHz Crystal (for audio chip)
CS4202 - Audio chip
ADV7123 - VGA Video driver
DB-15 VGA video output
74HCT125 - VGA hsync/vsync amplifiers
LCX16244A - 16 Bit buffer/driver with 3-state outputs (for Ext. LCD)
External LCD panel
LCD panel
LCX16244A - 16 Bit buffer/driver with 3-state outputs (for Ext. LCD)
MT28F640J3RG115 - Flash ROM
K4S561632E- TC/L75 - SDRAM (low 16 bits)
MIC2774N - Reset switch circuitry
DS1337 - Real time clock driver
Reset button
32.768KHz Crystal (for RTC)
CR1225BT1 - Renata litium battery 3V
SD/MMC card socket
25MHz Crystal
(for Ethernet chip)
LXT972A -
Ethernet driver
MAX3243 - RS232 Full modem signal amplifier
LM1117MP - 3.3V Regulator
H1102 - Ethernet signal transformer
LM78M05 - 5V 1.5Ah -
Main Power Regulator
Ethernet RJ45 connector
Serial port 0 / modem interface
LM78M05 - 5V 1.5Ah - USB Power Regulator
Touch screen header
Power input (7.2V DC, positive center)
Power switch (ON=towards edge of board)
USB port 1
USB port 0

Flying with the mouse over the image the part numbers and the description of the various components will appear.
If you click one of the components, its datasheet or pinout description will open

Touch screen header JP1 - Boot mode selection "BOOT0" (normal = 2-3) JP6 - Boot width ASDOUT (normal = 1-2) Power switch (ON=towards edge of board) Reset button VITEC Digital audio transfomer (not mounted) SP/DIF audio output (not mounted) Power input (7.2V DC, positive center) USB port 1 USB port 0 LCD panel External LCD panel DB-15 VGA video output Characters LCD display Headphone output 	Microphone input JP5 - Boot width /CS7 (normal = closed) JP2 - Boot mode selection "BOOT1" (normal = 2-3) Add-On Bus connector Multi-ICE header (JTAG) Arrow keys and Enter button Output for CCFL and power supply Serial port 0 / modem interface  Ethernet RJ45 connector SD/MMC card socket CR1225BT1 - Renata litium battery 3V 24.576 MHz Crystal (for audio chip) 14.7456 MHz Crystal (for CPU) 25MHz Crystal (for Ethernet chip) 32.768KHz Crystal (for RTC) DS1337 - Real time clock driver 74HCT125 - VGA hsync/vsync amplifiers LCX16244A - 16 Bit buffer/driver with 3-state outputs (for Ext. LCD) LCX16244A - 16 Bit buffer/driver with 3-state outputs (for Ext. LCD) LM1117MP - 3.3V Regulator LM1117DT - 1.8v Regulator LXT972A - Ethernet driver H1102 - Ethernet signal transformer MAX3243 - RS232 Full modem signal amplifier LM78M05 - 5V 1.5Ah - USB Power Regulator LM78M05 - 5V 1.5Ah - Main Power Regulator MCL7805A - Audio Power Supply Regulator ADV7123 - VGA Video driver CS4202 - Audio chip MIC2774N - Reset switch circuitry MIC2774N Power-on reset K4S561632E- TC/L75 - SDRAM (low 16 bits) K4S561632E- TC/L75 - SDRAM (high 16 bits) MT28F640J3RG115 - Flash ROM 74HC14 - Hex inverter driving red LED System-on-a-chip


The Sim.One is based on the Cirrus Logic EP9307 running at 200Mhz.
The EP9307 contains an ARM920T processor, a MaverickCrunch math coprocessor and assorted logic and peripherals.
The board has two banks of RAM for total 64MB, and 8MB of fast onboard flash.
Sim.One has many I/O peripherals as you can see in the following connectors list:

For the pinout of this connectors, you can visit the Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Circuit Board.
After an initial prototype with 12 layers, the design has been totally rebuilt in 6 layers,
this is now at the fourth revision (v1.3), you can get a look at the PCB layout of each layer in in this PDF,
or if you have a gerber viever, you may download the gerber package from the Sim.One download section.

The schematics, organized in subsections, are available in PDF.

The Bill of Material is available in PDF, or ODS and XLS editable format.

At this point, you can go more deeply into the hardware at the technical documentation page or visit the Software page.